Monday, January 24, 2005


This is a summary of a chat with one of my previous teachers

She told me her opinion frankly

You can do it only you need to focus

You need to calm down a bit

You are a bit too hyper

I was your teacher

It was my job to notice the least abilities in you

I realized that you are extremely smart

But because you rush things you make silly mistakes

Take ur time buddy

No one is running after you


At 2:14 AM, Blogger Dalulla said...

You were blessed with a teacher like that. It showes she/he cared and that is very important in a teacher.. to care, in order to encourage students for a better future. Very interesting advise, very nice you shared it with us

At 11:34 PM, Blogger M!R@CHK@ said...

well all teachers say that coz all most kids do rush things:)

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Sameh Ragheb said...

I was not a kid. She was my English teacher in a coarse I took during my third year in the University.


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